Collaborators and consultants:
Fereshteh Toosi, Director
Whitney Henry-Lester
Allie O’Neill
Jamie Sebold
Soapbox Music
Vanessa Smith
With additional support and guidance from: Andrew Bertell, Neil Brideau, Jim Charlton, Dara Cooper, Lisa DiFranza, Melissa Dopp, Lance Drake, Laura Foley, Hilary Gabel, Ladan Hamidi-Toosi, Jessica Hannah, Jenny Hirsch, Ed Herrmann, Liz Kramer, Beth Laurin, Majani Catering, Eric May, Carla McGarrah, National Braille Press, Clarisa Ramirez, Regional Relationships, Jesse Rutschman, Carrie Sandhal, Anthony Stepter, Vincent Stephens, Susanne Schnell, Craig & Cory Stevenson, Katie Vail, The Prairie Crossing Learning Farm
Focus group participants:
Vandana Chaudhry, Lily Diego, Marcus Johnson, Zenobia Shelby, Rich Schultz, Peter Tucic
Tactile graphics workshop students: Alicia Bird, Will Cwik, Megan Gallagher, Grant Haugen, Darby Morris, Cleo Ngiam
Special thanks to our Kickstarter contributers:
Aaron Ritter, Alicia Bird, Alita Tucker, Amanda Roelle, Amy Cornell, Ana Ghoreishian, Anastasia Krylova, Andrew Bertell, Annalisa Barrie, Astria Suparak, Benjamin Vernot, B. Kreski, Brett Kashmere, Bryce Dwyer, Carolyn Lambert & David Court, Christy LeMaster, Claire Pentecost, Clarisa Ramirez, Courtney Dailey, Dahlia & Shiv Rao, Darien Gee, David Schalliol, Deebb, Dubi Kaufmann, Elise Deringer, Elizabeth Leader, Eric May, Flávia Salvador, Graham Giovagnoli, Griselda Mendoza, Hal Klein, Ian McCarty, James Bewley, James Falzone, Jill Ridell, John Murphy, Jonathan Edmonds, Kate Palmer, Katie Zien, Kevin Lawler, Ladan Hamidi-Toosi, Lauren Basing, Leslie Mark, Lindsay Banks, Lisa DiFranza, Liz Kramer, Marilyn (Star) Zieve, Melissa Dopp, Michael Lawrence, Nanette Yannuzzi-Macias, Nasrin Hamidi-Toosi, Negin & Ben Almassi, Nick Tobier, Olivia Robinson, Pamela Bond, Patrick Lichty, Peter Exley, Sarah Hoskins, Sarah Khan, Shakur Hamidi-Toosi, Siobhan Rigg, Soapbox Chicago, Sonia Sheats, Susanne Schnell, Suzie Silver, Tanya Sleiman, Tara Schnaible, Thomas Sturgill, Threewalls, Tiffany Sommadossi, Vanessa Smith, Whitney Henry-Lester
Institutional Partners:
Access Living
Bodies of Work, a program on Disability Arts, Culture, and Humanities
University of Illinois at Chicago’s Department of Disability and Human Development
Columbia College Chicago
The DuSable Museum of African American History
Chicago Botanic Garden – Green Youth Farm
Spontaneous Interventions: Design Actions for the Common Good
Global Alliance of Artists Environment Exchange
Many thanks to all the team members of Archeworks’ INSPIRE! gardens for all, who inspired this project! In 2010-2011, we worked on a site at the north end of Chicago’s Washington Park. Our multi-modal project included a toolkit for creating accessible community gardens for people with disabilities, gardening tutorials for people with aphasia, art therapy through garden activities, and creating social spaces in school gardens. GARLIC & GREENS developed to further our team’s commitment to providing public programs for people with disabilities, while focusing particularly on stories from African American residents who live in the neighborhoods around Washington Park.
GARLIC & GREENS: accessible soul food stories is made possible by generous support from the Propeller Fund and the Tasting Cultures Foundation.
This program is made possible in part by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Illinois General Assembly.
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.